"Meanwhile In Paris" Produced By Kule Rave Ecks Presented by IBRAHIM MALKO

Kule Rave Ecks' new track "Meanwhile In Paris" is very relaxing and soulful! The song is full of ominous sounds that may give the dream-like feeling of floating. The instruments on "Meanwhile In Paris" are truly in synch when paired together. Kule Rave Ecks says, "Complete Mixture of Styles! Rock, Jazz, EDM, Dubstep, etc".


If You Didn't Know~
"There are many ways to describe Kule Rave Ecks, but unique, talented, and charismatic just seem to scratch the surface. However, there is one word that ties them all together and is true to his character: Hailing from HOLLIS QUEENS and now a resident of Cleveland Kule Rave Ecks is Real. Few people sing so honestly from their heart and soul. Kule Rave Ecks does so in just the right way, combining art, story, and song in perfect unison. Take a look around the site, and explore what the gift of music truly is.

Kule Rave Ecks has always been musically gifted. From a young age, He was singing, performing, and playing a variety of instruments. Throughout the course of his musical career, Kule Rave Ecks has won over the hearts of music lovers from all walks of life; performing at a variety of venues, making loads of public appearances, all the while recording new music. Learn more by exploring the site, and feel free to get in touch with any of your comments and questions."